INDRANET View fullsize The yurt or ger is the nomad's house by definition. Indranet is a piece developed in colaboration with Nuno Mika, an artist and architect. In this piece, the frontier between virtual and augmented reality is diluted, as the work contains elements of both. View fullsize Indranet refers to the Art of Memory, a recurrent theme of my personal investigation for more than 10 years, since the days of Architecture university. View fullsize We want to work with this metaphor of the memory disk and build not a disk, but a circular space, a container of memories - a house of memory (Domus memoria). View fullsize In the physical space, a circle of sand marks the position of the symbols in the digital space and creates a bridge between the real and the virtual. View fullsize The house and the mandala are symbols of the archetype of 'Self' and mandalas are used not only as concentration and encoding of mythological narratives, but as technologies for creating and navigation through the palaces of memory - something similar to the mechanisms of Raymond Llul and Giordano Bruno. View fullsize The spirits discuss themes essencial to human condition: memories, origins, death, God, war. I intend to show that there is an universality common to all. View fullsize If we let go of all the territorial references, we are all made of the same matter. View fullsize View fullsize The physical world is an illusion - Maya - an holography beyond which the real universe manifests itself in its infinitude. View fullsize In each drop of Indra's Web we see the reflection of all the other drops until infinity. View fullsize In the same way, in each person that takes the role of the Traveler, we see ourselves and the reflection of mankind as a whole. View fullsize View fullsize Indranet, 2019virtual reality installation w/ video (37 min) captured with 360º camera300 x 300 x 400 cmNuno Mika