Tectonic Plates
I have a lot of questions on my mind.
The protests that started in America after the George Floyd murder by police and led to riots and the toppling of statues all around the world are very important. Clearly people of all ethnicities from the younger generations are tired of a color-based division of human beings.
Europe is diverse. The people in power are not. Corporations and media outlets are taking advantage of this discussion for their own divisive agendas. Stress and disagreement are good for business.
According to a map built resorting to the CIA world factbook, almost all the countries from the EU present a rate of white or European ancestry of over 90%.
Exceptions are UK, Bulgaria and Turkey (75-90%).
What we have here is a problem of perception. So these are the percentages that are screwing up Europe? Europe is mostly white and old. Watching all this chaos unfold, who do you think these old white people will vote for?
The political correctness movement, associated with left liberals is another form of censorship off debate. It is something very dangerous and seen as irrational by these voters. When somebody has, for any reason, to shut up for fear of social scrutiny, their voice will be heard sooner or later, somewhere else, usually in a darker, angrier tone.
The obsession with identity politics is dangerous and is already backfiring. Governments are starting to monitor hate speech online. Really?
Black Lives Matter and the leftist movements surrounding them - Antifa included - which aim for a change of the status quo, will most likely accelerate the rise of far-right politicians promising a return to a golden era that they cannot realize. An era with the values of the past: God, family, order and peace. These, of course, will spell superstition, state, high-tech control, division and oppression.
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